Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Why TDM technology lost its value after the evolution of data traffic???

Hi Friends,

As we all know TDM was a great hit since the launch of mobile services in any country for any operator. Now a days as we are going towards data  traffic at good pace but TDM  technology has not been Optimized for efficient transmission of bursty traffic , i will try to explain why TDM not able to handle data traffic at such good rate.

PROBLEM--Due to Time division Multiplexing used in TDM it send 64K time slot every time whether data is there to send or not , it occupy full capacity assigned all the time and this capacity cant be assigned to other traffic or any other service. In case of bursty traffic this becomes a big pain as data may not be available all the time but we have to assign the BW , or for sudden data huge limitation and choking as BW is always constant.This is the main pain associated with the TDM technology for handling data and busty traffic.

However to handle the problem to some extend two technologies are developed which can provide some improved performance for TDM but not the sure shot solution.

1. Abis Optimization- Abis Optimization, which is a  solution for delivering Packet Abis over TDM transport networks, saves bandwidth by solely transferring bits that contain data. All other bits (for example, those that were
previously used to maintain a constant bit rate to fit the PDH channel format) are no longer inserted.

 2. Quadrupling the performance of EDGE - 
Many operators who deploy EDGE have deemed it necessary to constrain throughput to match the limitations of available TDM transmission capacity. The classic TDM- based Abis interface has a fixed allocation of transmission timeslots to basic radio channels.
Therefore, the subordinate 16kbps timeslot on the Abis interface permanently allocated to a traffic channel (TCH) for voice service will never be available to carry EDGE data. With packet Abis the transport resources make up a common pool that is used by the traffic offered at each moment in time.




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